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Innovative Chemical Technologies (ICT) – Master of Science studies – programme

Programme of M.Sc. Studies: Innovative Chemical Technologies (ICT)

Regular courses:

1    Polish and european legislation in environmental protection
2    Engineering information and data analytics
3    Selectable complementary courses
4    Polish social and cultural customs
5    Chemical reactors engineering
6    Innovative research directions in organic chemistry
7    Molecular modeling in catalysis and chemical technology
8    Innovative and cleaner inorganic technologies
9    Selected subjects in physical chemistry
10    Chromatographic separation of phytochemicals
11    Phytochemical analysis
12    Calculational methods in chemical engineering
13    Computer modeling in chemical technology
14    Technology of novel polymeric materials
15    Cleaner production and innovations in phosphorus compounds industry
16    Modern materials for medicine
17    Biofuels and bioresources
18    Cosmetic Emulsions – Troubleshooting of products quality and stability
19    Functional nanomaterials
20    Basic of Applied Photochemistry I
21    Heterogeneous catalysis
22    Selectable courses
23    Diploma seminar
24    Master’s thesis

Selectable courses:
22_1    Innovative methods in Polymer Chemistry
22_2    Basic of Applied Photochemistry II
22_3    Experimental methods in catalysis and surface characterization
22_4    Electrocatalysis
22_5    Technology of monoterpenoid fragrances
22_6    Molecular modeling in drug design
22_7    Business strategies for scientists
22_8    Innovation in drug discovery technology
22_9    Circular Economy in Technology and Waste Utylisation
22_10   Technology of Glass
22_11    Modern Technologies in Wastewater and Water Treatment
22_12    New Generation of Composite Materials
22_13    Coating Materials in Construction Chemicals
22_14    Recycling of plastics
22_15    Selected methods of testing chemicals
22_16    Elements of physical chemistry of polymers
22_17    Microwave-assisted organic synthesis
22_18    Polymers in medicine and pharmacy
22_19    Bionanomaterials
22_20   Drug Delivery Systems
22_21    Physicochemistry of aero- and hydrogels
22_22    Basic ChemCAD simulations
22_23    Concept of biorefinery and platform chemicals

Selectable open on-line courses:
PK            Nanomaterials for optoelectronic and biological applications
PK            Chemistry of modern polymeric materials
FH-MS    Chemical Nanosciences
FH-MS    Interactive Physical Chemistry
FH-MS    Practical Analytics of Materials
ENSCL    Degradation of materials
ENSCL    Metallic Alloys
ENSCL    Numerical simulation
ENSCL    Bioenergy &Biofuels
ENSCL    Chemistry of Biomass
IPB          Phase Equilibria for Process Design
IPB          Microencapsulation techniques and applications
IPB          Bioenergy and Biorefinery Technologies
IPB          Advanced Separation Processes

PK = Politechnika Krakowska
FH-MS = Fachhochschule Münster
ENSCL = Ecole Nationale Superieure De Chimie De Lille
IPB = Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

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Związki bioaktywne do celów farmakologicznych – seminarium

Wszystkich zainteresowanych zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w najbliższym seminarium którego tematem będą związki bioaktywne w farmakologii, a poprowadzi je dr inż. Przemysław Zaręba – ekspert z Katedry Technologii Chemicznej i Analityki Środowiskowej.

Decyzje stypendium socjalne

Studenci, którzy składali wnioski o zapomogę, stypendium socjalne oraz stypendium dla osób niepełnosprawnych proszone są o zgłaszanie się do Dziekanatu WIiTCh w terminie do 05.12.2024

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