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List of courses available for exchange students in academic year 2020/21

The following listed courses are available for Erasmus students:

Raw materials and processes of organic chemical technology    6 ECTS
Physical Chemistry   6 ECTS
Modern materials for medicine   3 ECT
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry   5 ECTS
Fundamentals of chemical engineering    5 ECTS
Modern technologies in wastewater and water treatment  3 ECTS
Technology of novel polymeric materials    2 ECTS
Nanomaterials for optoelectronic and biological applications    2 ECTS
Materials science and technology     2 ECTS
Concept of biorefinery and platform chemicals  2 ECTS
Chemical Reactors Engineering 3 ECTS
Technology of Glass 1 ECTS
Chromatographic separation of phytochemicals 2 ECTS + Phytochemical analysis 1 ECTS

Introduction to industrial catalytic processes    1 ECTS
Inorganic chemical technology    1 ECTS
Organic chemical technology    2 ECTS
Biofuels and bioresources    5 ECTS
Calculational methods in chemical engineering    2 ECTS
Biochemical reactors engineering    5 ECTS
Chemical reactions engineering     3 ECTS
Basic CAD simulations and processing     3 ECTS
Computer modelling in chemical technology     6 ECTS
Process control and industrial measurements    2 ECTS
English technical terminology   1 ECTS

BOTH SEMESTERS: Research project 10 ECTS

Plus courses available at other faculties, including Polish for exchange students 5 ECTS

Minimum number of students to run the course is 6.

UkrainianChinese (Simplified)FrenchGermanEnglishPolish

Stypendium Ministra na rok akademicki 2024/2025

Studenci, którzy będą składać wnioski o stypendium Ministra na rok akademicki 2024/2025 proszone są o zgłoszenie się do Dziekanatu w terminie do 23.09.2024 roku (poniedziałek).

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