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Innovative and cleaner inorganic technologies – lectures and laboratories

Dear ICT, Erasmus and bilateral agreement students. We would like to inform you that Innovative and cleaner inorganic technologies lectures for ALL of you will start on 07.05.2019 (and will be held according to the schedule).

Laboratories for ALL of you will start on 05.03.2019 (and will be held according to the schedule). You need to have coats and gloves. Instructions for exercises will be sent to you in few days. Please, create teams taking into account information provided in the last table (schedule attachement).

UkrainianChinese (Simplified)FrenchGermanEnglishPolish

Stypendium Ministra na rok akademicki 2024/2025

Studenci, którzy będą składać wnioski o stypendium Ministra na rok akademicki 2024/2025 proszone są o zgłoszenie się do Dziekanatu w terminie do 23.09.2024 roku (poniedziałek).

Postępowania na WIiTCh

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