List of available courses:
The international students coming to our University can complete at Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology:
- partial studies – one or two semesters of studies in English at faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology can be realised within Erasmus + programme as well as valid bilateral agreements. The MSc students will join the group of students completing our programme of ICT II-nd cycle studies (look below to MSc studies in English programme), while BSc students will join our group of students completing our programme of ICT I-st cycle studies (look below to BSc studies in English programme). Both programmes are given in English language. The recruitment procedures are described at corresponding IRO (http://bwz.pk.edu.pl/incoming-exchange-students/) and Erasmus web-sites (http://erasmus.pk.edu.pl/incoming-students/).
The students coming for one or two semester can also select a course “Research project” (10 ECTS) which is offered for students who completed registration at our Faculty, and “Polish language for exchange students” (this course is free of charge only for Erasmus + students).
- full MSc studies in English, within Innovative Chemical Technologies (ICT II) These studies last 3 semesters or 4 semesters and they are finished with MSc diploma examination. Full programme with related information can be found here. The set of information about requirements, application procedures and fees can be found at the IRO web-sites (http://bwz.pk.edu.pl/masters-degree/)
BSc and MSc studies in English within joined, double diploma agreements. These studies are dedicated to students coming from our partner Universities from Germany (FH Münster) and China (TGU).
For MSc studies in English realised with FH Münster in Germany, the students apply through Erasmus + programme and complete their final 2 semesters of studies (60 ECTS during II-nd year of studies) in the field of Chemical Engineering as well as Chemical Technology. The students join our group of students who complete the corresponding field of studies, prepare their MSc diploma thesis under double supervision (one supervisor from CUT and one from FH Munster) and defend this thesis at CUT. The details of the program and application procedures can be found at your home university web-site (link).
For BSc studies in English realised with TGU in China, the students apply through International Relation Office and complete their last 4 semesters of studies (III-rd and IV-th year of studies) in the field of Chemical Engineering and Technology. At the last year the students prepare their BSc diploma thesis under CUT supervision and defend this thesis at CUT. The details of the program and application procedures can be found at IRO web-site (link).
Joined BSc studies in English programme (detailed description of courses content can be found here):
IIIrd year of BSc students:
- Ist winter semester availability in 2019/2020 depends on recruitment results
- IInd spring semester availability in 2019/2020 depends on recruitment results
IVth year of BSc students:
Plus list of selectable courses
MSc studies in English programme (detailed description of courses content can be found here):
3 semesters programme:
- ICT3-Ist spring semester availability in 2019/2020 depends on recruitment results
- ICT3-IInd winter semester available in 2019/2020 academic year
- ICT3-IIIrd spring semester available in 2019/2020 academic year
4 semesters programme:
General information:
Useful links and information:

Koordynator Erasmusa na WIiTCH
(Erasmus Coordinator at Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology)
dr hab. inż. Izabela Czekaj, prof. PK
ul. Warszawska 24 31-155 Kraków Polska
budynek WIiTCh (WIiTCh building), pok. 631 (room 631)
tel. +48 12 628 21 11
e-mail: izabela.czekaj@pk.edu.pl
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej – Sekcja Programu Erasmus
(International Cooperation – Erasmus+ Programme)
ul. Warszawska 24 31-155 Kraków Polska
Budynek Główny WIL, pokój 33 (Faculty of Civil Engineering main building, room 33, 1st floor)
tel: +48 12 628 25 12
fax: +48 12 628 25 04
e-mail: erasmus@pk.edu.pl
Dział współpracy Międzynarodowej
(International Relations Office)
ul. Warszawska 24 31-155 Kraków Polska
Budynek Wydziału Inżynierii i Technologii Chemicznej – wejście od ul. Szlak 44
(Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology building, entrance from Szlak street No. 44)
tel.: +48 12 628 25 22, +48 12 628 30 44, +48 12 628 20 09
e-mail: bwm@pk.edu.pl

CUT International Relations Office: