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Double diploma agreements:

At this moment faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology has a valid double diploma agreements with:

  • FACHHOCHSCHULE MÜNSTER – agreement for MSc studies

In the frame of the existing master programmes of the faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Cracow University of Technology and Chemical Engineering department at University of Applied Sciences Münster it is possible to reach a binational, German-Polish graduation (M.Sc.). This offer is directed to students of the University of Applied Sciences Münster who can complete partial studies at FH Münster (first two semesters of studies, 60 ECTS) and additional two semesters at CUT (last year of studies including diploma semester, 60 ECTS).

The details of the program and application procedures can be found at your home university web-site (link).

For BSc studies in English realised with TGU in China, the students shall complete their last 4 semesters of studies (III-rd and IV-th year of studies) in the field of Chemical Engineering and Technology. At the last year the students prepare their BSc diploma thesis under joined CUT/TGU supervision and defend this thesis at CUT. The details of the program and application procedures can be found at IRO web-site (link).
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General information:

Useful links and information:


CUT International Relations Office:

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