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Bioplastics upcyclig loop

We are excited to invite you to the ANSO Project Seminar on “Bioplastics Upcycling Loop,” featuring two distinct sessions that promise to be both informative and engaging. Please find the details below:

Session 1:

Speaker: Dr. Veselin Maslak, University of Belgrade

Date: Monday, 11th December 2023

Time: 9:00 AM Central EuropeanTime (CET)

Title: “PET in the World Around Us: Preparation of Models from Oligomers to MNPs”

Join the session via Microsoft Teams .


Session 2:


  1. Prof. Dr. Margaret Brennan Fournet
  2. Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Pielichowski

Date: Thursday, 14th December 2023

Time: 9:00 AM CET

Session 2 Agenda:

  • Prof. Dr. Margaret Brennan Fournet – Presentation Title: “Achieving Sustainable Plastics to Live Within Our Planetary Boundaries”
  • Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Pielichowski – Presentation Title: “(Bio)polymer Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers”

Join the session via Microsoft Teams

We look forward to your participation in these enlightening seminars on bioplastics upcycling. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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