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Towards understanding the nature of noncovalent interactions

The European Meeting on Physical Organic Chemistry (EMPOC) (which until 2018 was called the Central European School on Physical Organic Chemistry) is being organized annually for 40 years. The primary objective of the Meetings is to exchange scientific ideas, discuss problems, establish collaborations and create opportunities for high level learning. The schedule of each Meeting is subordinated to those requirements.

The main topic of this year’s meeting is: ” Towards understanding the nature of noncovalent interactions”. The chemical bond associated with the exchange or sharing of electrons is fundamental to understanding the structure, shape and transformations of molecules. Understanding these phenomena allowed the chemistry of the 19th and 20th centuries to achieve remarkable results. It turns out, however, that nature uses not only strong chemical bonds, but also weaker or very weak bonds. They have energy comparable to the kT factor. Thanks to this, many phenomena can be triggered by simple collisions of molecules. Weak fields have a chance to influence the processes taking place at the molecular level. We hope that the meeting will be an opportunity to present achievements in this field and discuss them in a wider forum.

The scientific program is divided into sessions devoted to particular problems related to the main subject of the Meeting. The sessions are composed of plenary lectures (30 min. including discussion), oral presentations (20 min. including discussion), short oral presentations (10 min. including discussion) and posters including 3 min oral presentations. In the case of a large number of participants, the authors of some oral presentations may be asked to present their results in the form of a poster.

Usually, the participants are in 30% senior researchers, 35% young scientists, 35% PhD students, 90% of them are chemists but there are also physicists and biologists.


Special issue of J. Mol. Structure

We would like to prepare a special issue of J. Mol. Structure. The issue will be devoted to presentation of key lectures, but some other contributions presented/planned during the conference are welcome as well. To fulfil Journal’s requirements, at least 20 papers should be submitted. Please let me know if you are inclined to publish your contribution in the special issue of J.Mol.Structure.

Register via the conference home page or download and fill in the registration form and send it to the organizers by e-mail or by post. Register as soon as possible, but no later than 05/03/2023. It is also possible to register after this date, however organizers will have to check the availability of rooms at the hotel.


Location of the conference

Hotel Dziki Potok, ul. Mysliwska 22, 58-540 Karpacz, Poland, phone. +48 75 76 16 478, +48 609 080 702; E-mail:



We try to reduce expenses as much as possible, but the unstable economic, political and epidemiological situation makes it very difficult to estimate costs. We assume that the total cost of accommodation and registration fee may reach PLN 2300-2500 (different in single or in double room)


Actual information are available on the conference web-page:



dr Andrzej Burakowski (registration, accommodation, abstracts)
tel. +48-71-375-7235,; ces@chem.uni.wroc. pl

dr hab. Kazimierz Orzechowski, prof. UWr (program, general questions)
tel. +48-71-375-7114, mobile: +48-698-355-433,; ces@chem.uni.wroc. pl

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