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Description of courses contents - BSc ICT-1:

5th_R_fall_Fundamentals of analytical chemistry
5th_R_fall_Fundamentals of chemical engineering
5th_R_fall_Introduction to laboratory technique
5th_R_fall_Materials science and technology
5th_R_fall_Physical chemistry
5th_R_fall_Raw materials and processes of inorganic technology
5th_R_fall_Raw materials and processes of organic chemical technology

6th_R_spring_An introduction to cosmetic technology
6th_R_spring_Basic CAD simulations and processing
6th_R_spring_Catalytic processes
6th_R_spring_Elements of computational methods in chemical engineering
6th_R_spring_Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering
6th_R_spring_Principles of polymer technology
6th_R_spring_Process control and industrial measurements
6th_R_spring_Selected methods of materials characterization
6th_R_spring_Waste biomass processing

6th_R_spring_Inorganic Chemical technology

6th_R_spring_Organic Chemical technology

7th_R_fall_business strategy for scientists
7th_R_fall_Engineering information and data analytics
7th_R_fall_Practical environmental protection for chemical engineers
7th_R_fall_Preliminary diploma project
7th_R_fall_Scientific reporting and papers preparation
7th_R_fall_Selected fields of modern industry and research directions
7th_R_fall_Technology of essential oils
7th_R_fall_Chemistry of natural raw materials
7th_R_fall_Technological project with CAD modelling

8th_R_fall_BSc diploma
8th_R_fall_Diploma seminary
8th_R_fall_Engineering practice

Selectable courses:
6th_S_spring_Basics pf CFD methods
6th_S_spring_Concept of biorefinery and platform chemicals
6th_S_spring_Introduction to industrial catalytic processes
6th_S_spring_Modern extraction methods
6th_S_spring_Resins and their application in hair-care products
6th_S_spring_Spectroscopy and microscopy in catalysis
6th_S_spring_Technology of fragrances

7th_S_fall_Polymer physics


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